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Andrea's Musical Adventures
CDs Available

My Day


  1. My Day

  2. My Hello

  3. Hello Again

  4. No No No

  5. Time to Eat

  6. On the Bridge

  7. My Alphabet

  8. Pick a Shape

  9. Color Rap

  10. Happy & You Know It

  11. Free Animals

  12. Reach Up to the Sky

  13. Are You Drumming

  14. The Children Go Marching

  15. Itsy Bitsy Spider

  16. In the Tubby

  17. Ode to Joy

  18. Twinkle Twinkle

  19. Go to Sleep


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My Day with Animals


  1. All the Little Animals

  2. Dance Our Son

  3. The Children Being Bunnies

  4. Who's Playing Inside

  5. Hey Nanny Nanny

  6. Clip Clop

  7. Days of the Week

  8. Listen With Your Ear

  9. White Choral Bells

  10. Bed Time Rap

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